Giving Is Viral…It’s Time to Live, It’s Time to Give

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What if you could take your “loose change” and apply it to a charity in a scalable way???  Well, now you can!  Through a company called Swipegood, your credit or debit card purchases are rounded up to the next dollar, with the change being deposited directly into your charity of choice’s bank account.  It’s that easy.  We all use credit/debit cards everyday, so instead of collecting the change for your piggy bank, why not help support any one of the registered organizations.  As soon as I heard of this program, I immediately signed up The Joe Niekro Foundation.  There is no cost to participate and its a turn key way for the foundation to earn money each and every day.  It may not seem like much, but in just the past few days, my rounded up change has benefitted the foundation by $29.37.  Again, this is not a significant amount by any means, but I am only a few days in and get to continue to watch the foundation earn money simply through the technology I use everyday.  You can also set a limit for your card meaning your monthly total cannot surpass your documented limit.  Its a great program and I encourage everyone to get involved.

The Joe Niekro Foundation is working hard to “think outside the box” in ways to raise money, which is why we have implemented programs like Swipegood,, Text to Give and Ebay Giving Works.  All of these fundraising methods are using the tools that we surround ourselves with everyday.  Swipegood donates your rounded up change, offers those online shoppers a way to give to via their purchases – and the best part is that the retailer, not the shopper, donates the percentage of your purchase to the charity of your choice.  The IGive toolbar allows for one to earn a $.01 to their charity for every qualified internet search done through this browser.  With the millions of web searches done every day – think how quickly those pennies will add up!  By Texting STRIKEOUT to 20222 you can make a direct $10 donation to The Joe Niekro Foundation and that $10 charge will simply appear on your next cell phone bill.  And of course, there’s Ebay Giving Works which offers sellers on Ebay to donate a percentage of every purchase to the charity they choose. 

So, its simple – lets use our everyday technology to help support our cause.  Get signed up for Swipegood today, download the toolbar and start earning $ with every online search, when you are shopping online, do it through and you can directly see the impact of every purchase for your charity of choice – plus you will also notice some HUGE savings by utilizing this shopping portal.  Pull out your cell phone and send the word STRIKEOUT to the number 20222.  And lastly, if you are an Ebay seller, which many of us are, sign up for Ebay Giving Works and start selling for a cause! 

It all comes down to us – we can choose to make a difference and we can choose to make that difference TODAY, so come join me in all the fun of giving!

“We make a living by what we get. We make a life by what we give.”                  

Winston Churchill

The Niekro Aneurysm and AVM Foundation™
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To highlight our impact and convey our mission with clarity, we are excited to announce that the Joe Niekro Foundation is now the Niekro Aneurysm and AVM Foundation. We look forward to building on the Niekro legacy and continuing our mission!
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