Thanksgiving Eve…a reflection of thanks!

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I can’t believe that 2012 is almost over – here we are on the eve of Thanksgiving, soon to be ringing in the New Year and I can’t help but wonder where the last 10 1/2 months have gone.   With non-stop travel, 20 hour work days, a growing business and a foundation that is on the verge of breakthrough, I am reminded that the cat-naps and down time I rarely get is all worth it because of where I am today.   Here I sit with a huge support system that is sharing in my vision of greatness – MY goal which has now become THEIR goal to educate the public on the importance of brain aneurysm research, treatment and education is happening before our eyes.  With a Board of Directors that is second to none and supporters that believe in our mission, The Joe Niekro Foundation truly is on the verge of greatness!  In just 10 short months, we have expanded to 6 nationwide chapters, established key relationships with phenomenal research hospitals, gained great support from new corporate partners and developed a Medical Advisory Board consisting of the top neurologists, neurosurgeons and neuroradiologists in the country.  Each day The Joe Niekro Foundation is touching and changing lives and I am so thankful for what we have become and where we are headed!  Look out 2012, here we come…together we will continue our mission to educate people about this devastating condition that is effecting 1 in 15 Americans.  We hope you will join us in this fight….a fight worth every bump and bruise that happens along the way.  God Bless and Happy Thanksgiving to all!



The Niekro Aneurysm and AVM Foundation™
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To highlight our impact and convey our mission with clarity, we are excited to announce that the Joe Niekro Foundation is now the Niekro Aneurysm and AVM Foundation. We look forward to building on the Niekro legacy and continuing our mission!
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