The Angel that watches over me

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Six years ago today, I lost my father.  Why?  That’s the question I will never understand the answer to.  Why God chose to take one of Earth’s most precious men on the day He did, will never make sense to me until I get to heaven and can ask the Good Lord Himself.  Someone once told me that God must have needed an extra special angel on October 27, 2006….and an extra special angel is exactly what He got.  Not a day went by when my Dad didn’t have an impact on someone else.  The way he treated others, the smiles he gave to those that needed one, his generosity and positive spirit were infectious.  I can only hope that those are traits I will carry on through his legacy.  One thing we know for sure is that LIFE IS PRECIOUS and can be taken from us at any moment.  Dad’s life was stripped short, but I know that there isn’t a day he would regret…because Dad lived life to it’s fullest.  And for that, I am so thankful.  My Dad will always be MY extra special angel.  What I do know….Heaven is a better place with my father in it!  I love you Dad!

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