Batter Up For Brain Aneurysms

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Join The Joe Niekro Foundation as we Batter Up for National Brain Aneurysm Awareness Month in September! Take part in honoring survivors and paying tribute to those who have lost their battle by making a donation today.

[stripe name=”The Joe Niekro Foundation” description=”Donate $25″ amount=”25000″ image_url=”” billing=”true” shipping=”true” payment_button_label=”Donate Now”]

What is a Brain Aneurysm?

A cerebral aneurysm (also known as an intracranial or an intracerebral aneurysm) is an abnormal, weak spot on a blood vessel wall that causes an outward bulging, likened to a bubble.  A bulging aneurysm can put pressure on a nerve or surrounding brain tissue.  It may also leak or rupture, spilling blood into the surrounding tissue (called a hemorrhage).

Why is this so important?

Brain aneurysms may burst and bleed into the brain, causing serious complications including hemorrhagic stroke, permanent nerve damage or death. Once it has burst, the aneurysm may burst again and rebleed into the brain, and additional aneurysms can also occur.

Once an aneurysm bleeds, there is a 30-40% chance of death, and a 20-25% chance of moderate to severe brain damage, even if an aneurysm is treated.

It is estimated that 6 million people in the US have a brain aneurysm. Every 18 minutes, an aneurysm ruptures.

How YOU can participate!

Show us your support by snapping a photo with one of our #Supporter, #Caregiver or #Supporter printable signs for Brain Aneurysm Awareness!

[ezcol_1third]Hashtag Survivor[/ezcol_1third]

[ezcol_1third]Hashtag Caregiver[/ezcol_1third]

[ezcol_1third_end]Hashtag Supporter[/ezcol_1third_end]

Follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram for the chance to enter social media contests – we’ll have one contest every week!

Check out our new retail items specifically designed for Brain Aneurysm Awareness Month.


Water Bottle BrainTote Brain ImageCoffee Mug BrainBatter_Up_Brain_Aneurysms_FrontCar Magnet Proof JNF Website


How YOU can help!

The Joe Niekro Foundation is working tirelessly on expanding our National Patient Support Group Program and advocacy as well as a presence in hospitals and medical facilities during 2018. We feel that it is extremely important to help people affected by brain aneurysms to understand what it is that they are dealing with, physically and emotionally, whether that be a survivor of a brain aneurysm or a loved one, not just at the time of initial diagnosis but long into post recovery.

Take part in honoring brain aneurysm survivors and paying tribute to those who have lost their battle by making a donation (below) during the month of September!

Alternatively, you may contact us at 877-803-7650 or you can send your donation to:

The Joe Niekro Foundation™
26780 N. 77th

Scottsdale, AZ 85266


Your donation is essential to supporting our mission and we thank you for joining us in the fight. Thank you for joining in the fight of brain aneurysms, AVMs, and hemorrhagic strokes.

To highlight our impact and convey our mission with clarity, we are excited to announce that the Joe Niekro Foundation is now the Niekro Aneurysm and AVM Foundation. We look forward to building on the Niekro legacy and continuing our mission!
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