September has been declared as Brain Aneurysm Awareness Month and to help bring awareness to the importance of early detection, The Joe Niekro Foundation has launched a national initiative called Wanna Get Lucky?. This catchy slogan has been printed on thousands of t-shirts and being promoted to various communities across the country. You can spread the word by helping us promote Wanna Get Lucky? The more awareness we can bring to this silent killer, the more success we can have in preventing them. 1 in 15 people in the US will develop a brain aneurysm and 50% of ruptured aneurysm victims will die within minutes. Bringing aneurysm awareness to the public is sparse and survivors of brain aneurysms are largely a quiet bunch. So we’re motivated to get the word out that “the worst headache of your life” can be a brain aneurysm. In doing this, we will educate the next adult generation to go to the emergency room ASAP when they have “the worst headache of their lives,” or be aware that aneurysms are hereditary so if they have a family history, they need to “Get Scanned.”
Shirts can be purchased online at and available in Men’s and Ladies tees, Women’s cap sleeve, v-neck and women’s tank tops. Colors include black, red, navy and pink. Prices are $14.95 for Men’s and $16.95 for women’s (price includes shipping) and all proceeds benefit aneurysm research, treatment and education.
The Joe Niekro Foundation was named in honor of Joe Niekro, a former 22 year veteran of the major leagues and one of the greatest knuckleball pitchers of all time, who lost his life suddenly to an undiagnosed brain aneurysm on October 27, 2006. Joe’s daughter, Natalie – founder and president of The Joe Niekro Foundation now commits her life to raising funds in support of brain aneurysm research, treatment and education in attempt to combat the enemy that prematurely took her father.

For more information visit To watch the Wanna Get Lucky? PSA from The Joe Niekro Foundation, click here.