Survivor Around the Globe, Candy Booth

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image1I’m a survivor of multiple brain aneurysms (10 aneurysms, in fact!). On October 19th, 2010 I experienced the worst headache I have ever had and began throwing up. Since I had a history of stomach problems, I thought it was just another episode and went to bed. My husband Donnie and our son Kyle were hunting and came home earlier than planned. I believe that was what saved my life.

My husband, Donnie, noticed that my eye would not open and took me to the doctor, then to the hospital. Ultimately, after being diagnosed with a brain aneurysm, I was transferred by ambulance to Swedish Hospital in Denver, Colorado.  On October 21st, I had brain surgery that lasted six hours. I had two ruptured aneurysms and two remain today because of where they are positioned. October 23rd, I started having vasospasms and was treated for it. On November 2, the vasospasms stopped. On November 7th, I was moved from ICU to a regular room. No more vasospasms, no IV’s, no monitors. I started walking and talking. I was a little out of it and started to give my family the food I was given to eat at the hospital (ha!).

On November 10th, I was released from the hospital to a rehab center in Colorado Springs. I remember I was upset because I wanted to go home. Determined, I worked hard and on November 12th, I finally got to go home. On February 4th, I had a setback when I had a grand mal seizure due to the doctor taking me off my seizure medication. I was flown to Denver where I saw my doctor, it was determined that I have to take seizure medicine for the rest of my life, but I’m okay with that.

My doctor told my family to get a brain scan. My twin sister was scanned where it was discovered she had a brain aneurysm as well. My doctor called me his ‘miracle’ and my sister his ‘superstar’ because she was able to return to work 3 weeks after her surgery! As of today, overall I am doing well.

My memory still isn’t very good, I have problems with finding my words and I get easily distracted and confused. I know it could be worse, so I am thankful to be alive. In my free time I love to camp, fish, go boating and spend time with my family and friends. I am thankful for my hubby, my son, my family near and far, and my friends. Their love and support means the world to me. I also want to thank the Joe Niekro Foundation, you helped me know I wasn’t alone in this journey.

The Joe Niekro Foundation would like to thank Candy for sharing her story. Her story is an excellent reminder about the importance of getting scanned if you have a family history of brain aneurysms. Thank you again, Candy!

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