My Family Away from Home

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I know I have written so many times about how wonderful our aneurysm support group is, but I must brag one more time.  Tomorrow night will be our monthly meeting (we always meet the 3rd Wednesday of each month), and I can honestly say it is a day that I look forward to all month long.  When I get to see my new family come together and support one another, it completely touches my heart.  As we continue to share our stories and spread the word about The Joe Niekro Foundation and the importance of aneurysm research, aneurysm treatment and aneurysm education, we are continually reminded of how prevalent this silent killer is.  Just last week I received an email from a woman who had just found out she had four aneurysms (a family history of them) and not sure what to do.  I immediately connected her to Dr. Robert Spetzler at Barrow Neurological Institute and she was scheduled for surgery right away.  Tomorrow I will visit this woman, who I have yet to meet, at the hospital and already know we have such a special connection because of what we have both experienced from these fatal enemies we call aneurysms.  This week I also met a young woman who had just lost her mother two weeks ago to an aneurysm.  Again, just a reminder of how important early detection is.  As we near the holidays, always an exceptionally hard time for me, I will lean on my family away from  home, just as they will lean on me, for comfort and support.  We will continue to fight this battle together and encourage others to join in the fight with us. 

For more information about our group and upcoming meeting dates, please click here.


The Niekro Aneurysm and AVM Foundation™
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To highlight our impact and convey our mission with clarity, we are excited to announce that the Joe Niekro Foundation is now the Niekro Aneurysm and AVM Foundation. We look forward to building on the Niekro legacy and continuing our mission!
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